Submission #1060168

Source Code Expand

/+ dub.sdl:
    name "A"
    dependency "dcomp" version=">=0.4.0"

import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.range, std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

// import dcomp.scanner, dcomp.graph.dijkstra;

alias E = Tuple!(int, "to", int, "dist");
int main() {
    auto sc = new Scanner(stdin);
    int n;;
    auto g = new E[][n+1];
    foreach (i; 0..20) {
        int len = 2^^i;
        foreach (j; 0..n-len+1) {
            g[j] ~= E(j+len, 1);
            g[j+len] ~= E(j, 1);
    auto dijk = dijkstra!int(g, 0);
    int[] p;
    int nw = n;
    while (nw != 0) {
        p ~= nw;
        nw = dijk.from[nw];
    p ~= 0;
    int sm = 0;
    foreach (i, unused; p[0..$-1]) {
        int a = p[i], b = p[i+1];
        writefln("? %d %d", min(a, b), max(a, b));
        int x;;
        if (a < b) sm += x;
        else sm -= x;
    writefln("! %d", sm);
    return 0;
/* IMPORT /Users/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/scanner.d */
// module dcomp.scanner;

class Scanner {
    import std.stdio : File;
    import std.conv : to;
    import std.range : front, popFront, array, ElementType;
    import std.array : split;
    import std.traits : isSomeChar, isStaticArray, isArray; 
    import std.algorithm : map;
    File f;
    this(File f) {
        this.f = f;
    string[] buf;
    private bool succ() {
        while (!buf.length) {
            if (f.eof) return false;
            buf = f.readln.split;
        return true;
    private bool readSingle(T)(ref T x) {
        if (!succ()) return false;
        static if (isArray!T) {
            alias E = ElementType!T;
            static if (isSomeChar!E) {
                //string or char[10] etc
                x = buf.front;
            } else {
                static if (isStaticArray!T) {
                    assert(buf.length == T.length);
                x =!(to!E).array;
                buf.length = 0;                
        } else {
            x =!T;
        return true;
    int read(T, Args...)(ref T x, auto ref Args args) {
        if (!readSingle(x)) return 0;
        static if (args.length == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 1 + read(args);

unittest {
    import std.path : buildPath;
    import std.file : tempDir;
    import std.algorithm : equal;
    import std.stdio : File;
    string fileName = buildPath(tempDir, "kyuridenanmaida.txt");
    auto fout = File(fileName, "w");
    fout.writeln("1 2 3");
    fout.writeln("ab cde");
    fout.writeln("1.0 1.0 2.0");
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(File(fileName, "r"));
    int a;
    int[2] b;
    char[2] c;
    string d;
    double e;
    double[] f;, b, c, d, e, f);
    assert(a == 1);
    assert(equal(b[], [2, 3]));
    assert(equal(c[], "ab"));
    assert(equal(d, "cde"));
    assert(e == 1.0);
    assert(equal(f, [1.0, 2.0]));
/* IMPORT /Users/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/algorithm.d */
// module dcomp.algorithm;

//[0,0,0,...,1,1,1]で、初めて1となる場所を探す。pred(l) == 0, pred(r) == 1と仮定
T binSearch(alias pred, T)(T l, T r) {
    while (r-l > 1) {
        T md = (l+r)/2;
        if (!pred(md)) l = md;
        else r = md;
    return r;

import std.range.primitives;

Rotator!Range rotator(Range)(Range r)
if (isForwardRange!Range && hasLength!Range) {
    return typeof(return)(r);

struct Rotator(Range)
if (isForwardRange!Range && hasLength!Range) {
    size_t cnt;
    Range start, now;
    this(Range r) {
        cnt = 0;
        start =;
        now =;
    this(this) {
        start =;
        now =;
    @property bool empty() {
        return now.empty;
    @property auto front() {
        import std.range : take, chain;
        return chain(now, start.take(cnt));
    @property Rotator!Range save() {
        return this;
    void popFront() {

E minimum(alias pred = "a < b", Range, E = ElementType!Range)(Range range, E seed)
if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range && !is(CommonType!(ElementType!Range, E) == void)) {
    import std.functional;
    while (!range.empty) {
        if (binaryFun!pred(range.front, seed)) {
            seed = range.front;
    return seed;

//should be use reduce?
ElementType!Range minimum(alias pred = "a < b", Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range) {
    assert(!range.empty, "range must not empty");
    auto e = range.front; range.popFront;
    return minimum!pred(range, e);

E maximum(alias pred = "a < b", Range, E = ElementType!Range)(Range range, E seed)
if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range && !is(CommonType!(ElementType!Range, E) == void)) {
    import std.functional;
    while (!range.empty) {
        if (binaryFun!pred(seed, range.front)) {
            seed = range.front;
    return seed;

ElementType!Range maximum(alias pred = "a < b", Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range) {
    assert(!range.empty, "range must not empty");
    auto e = range.front; range.popFront;
    return maximum!pred(range, e);

unittest {
    assert(minimum([2, 1, 3]) == 1);
    assert(minimum!"a > b"([2, 1, 3]) == 3);
    assert(minimum([2, 1, 3], -1) == -1);
    assert(minimum!"a > b"([2, 1, 3], 100) == 100);

    assert(maximum([2, 1, 3]) == 3);
    assert(maximum!"a > b"([2, 1, 3]) == 1);
    assert(maximum([2, 1, 3], 100) == 100);
    assert(maximum!"a > b"([2, 1, 3], -1) == -1);

bool[ElementType!Range] toMap(Range)(Range r) {
    import std.algorithm : each;
    bool[ElementType!Range] res;
    r.each!(a => res[a] = true);
    return res;
/* IMPORT /Users/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/graph/dijkstra.d */
// module dcomp.graph.djikstra;

// import dcomp.algorithm;

struct Dijkstra(T) {
    T[] dist;
    int[] from;
    this(int n, T inf) {
        dist = new T[n]; dist[] = inf;
        from = new int[n];

Dijkstra!D dijkstra(D, T)(T g, int s, D inf = D.max) {
    import std.conv : to;
    import std.typecons : Tuple;
    import std.container : make, Array, heapify;

    int V =!int;
    auto dijk = Dijkstra!D(V, inf);
    with (dijk) {        
        alias P = Tuple!(int, "to", D, "dist");
        auto q = heapify!"a.dist>b.dist"(make!(Array!P)([P(s, D(0))]));

        dist[s] = D(0);
        from[s] = -1;
        while (!q.empty) {
            P p = q.front; q.popFront();
            if (dist[] < p.dist) continue;
            foreach (e; g[]) {
                if (p.dist+e.dist < dist[]) {
                    dist[] = p.dist+e.dist;
                    from[] =;
                    q.insert(P(, dist[]));
    return dijk;

Dijkstra!D dijkstraDense(D, T)(T g, int s, D inf = D.max) {
    import std.conv : to;
    import std.typecons : Tuple;
    import std.container : make, Array, heapify;
    import std.range : enumerate;
    import std.algorithm : filter;

    int V =!int;
    auto dijk = Dijkstra!D(V, inf);
    with (dijk) {
        alias P = Tuple!(int, "to", D, "dist");

        bool[] used = new bool[](V);
        dist[s] = D(0);
        from[s] = -1;
        while (true) {
            //todo can optimize
            auto rng = dist.enumerate.filter!(a => !used[a.index]);
            if (rng.empty) break;
            auto nx = rng.minimum!"a.value < b.value";
            used[nx.index] = true;
            P p = P(nx.index, nx.value); 
            if (dist[] < p.dist) continue;
            foreach (e; g[]) {
                if (p.dist+e.dist < dist[]) {
                    dist[] = p.dist+e.dist;
                    from[] =!int;
    return dijk;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - Array Sum
User yosupo
Language D (LDC 0.17.0)
Score 100
Code Size 8508 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 436 ms
Memory 54224 KB

Judge Result

Set Name All
Score / Max Score 100 / 100
AC × 24
Set Name Test Cases
All 01-01.txt, 01-02.txt, 01-03.txt, 01-04.txt, 01-05.txt, 01-06.txt, 01-07.txt, 01-08.txt, 01-09.txt, 01-10.txt, 01-11.txt, 01-12.txt, 01-13.txt, 01-14.txt, 01-15.txt, 01-16.txt, 01-17.txt, 01-18.txt, 01-19.txt, 01-20.txt, 01-21.txt, 01-22.txt, 01-23.txt, 01-24.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
01-01.txt AC 7 ms 596 KB
01-02.txt AC 7 ms 596 KB
01-03.txt AC 7 ms 596 KB
01-04.txt AC 7 ms 596 KB
01-05.txt AC 204 ms 21580 KB
01-06.txt AC 210 ms 21580 KB
01-07.txt AC 212 ms 21696 KB
01-08.txt AC 214 ms 21696 KB
01-09.txt AC 213 ms 21696 KB
01-10.txt AC 239 ms 24904 KB
01-11.txt AC 240 ms 25016 KB
01-12.txt AC 354 ms 43064 KB
01-13.txt AC 359 ms 43064 KB
01-14.txt AC 432 ms 53968 KB
01-15.txt AC 388 ms 52152 KB
01-16.txt AC 424 ms 53560 KB
01-17.txt AC 431 ms 54224 KB
01-18.txt AC 436 ms 54224 KB
01-19.txt AC 93 ms 10700 KB
01-20.txt AC 173 ms 21196 KB
01-21.txt AC 364 ms 45368 KB
01-22.txt AC 201 ms 21580 KB
01-23.txt AC 215 ms 21704 KB
01-24.txt AC 385 ms 51508 KB